Marathon Certificate Bitcoin

Are you a marathon finisher? Engrave a "Finisher Certificate" into the Bitcoin blockchain for only 39.90 Euro. The certificate will be locked for all eternity. Your certificate will be replicated thousands of times and distributed and anchored into more than 10,000 full nodes of the original Bitcoin blockchain.

Removing impossible

No nation, no government, no company, no person can ever remove your "Finisher Certificate" from the blockchain, not even you! It will be preserved for you and the world forever.

How does this work?

You fill in the fields below. Your entry into the Bitcoin blockchain will look like this:

"Entry into the blockchain..."
(0 of max. 80 characters)

Your name:

Your year of birth:

City / Location of marathon:

Date of marathon:

- -
Date format: (or year only of marathon)

Your finish time:

: :

Now send the certificate to the blockchain, where it will remain forever.

Into the blockchain

After sending it off, your "Finisher Certificate" comes firstly in a waiting position, in the so-called "Mempool" of Bitcoin. After a waiting period of about one hour in the mempool, your certificate is burnt unchangeable into the newest block of the Bitcoin blockchain. Thereafter, your certificate is confirmed repeatedly about every 10 minutes by every subsequent block of the endless blockchain, over and over again.

For all eternity

You can always see your marathon entry in the Bitcoin blockchain. For this, you use a standard "Block Explorer", for example here...

There you can also retrieve the current number of confirmations of your marathon entry on-line at any time.

All information about your marathon entry in the Bitcoin blockchain can be found additionally under the menu item "Blockchain", e.g. the number of your block in the blockchain, your unique Bitcoin transaction number, and so on.

Pay once for all eternity.
Entry into the original Bitcoin blockchain.
only 39.90 Euro
all fees included

Send entry now...

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